Filipche: The entire Clinical Center has been mobilized, no one will be left without medical service


There are quite enough hospital capacities and the entire Clinical Center has been mobilized, Health Minister Venko Filipche said Thursday.

“This morning, I met with the directors of all internal medicine clinics, all doctors and nurses employed in the clinics have been included in a comprehensive list if there is a need for them to be deployed to work in the additional capacities,” he told reporters after Wednesday’s session of the Security Council.

Filipche said that additional hospital beds have been made available in several clinics of internal medicine after the modular hospital is almost reaching its full capacity.

“There are enough hospital beds and medical staff has been trained to treat COVID patients. The citizens should be rest assured that no one will be left without medical service,” Minister Filipche stressed all the while urging the new health protection measures to be followed after entering into force once the amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population from Communicable Diseases were adopted in Parliament. The enforced measures, he said, are being implemented across Europe, namely limited capacity of public transportation, a mandate for masks to be worn outside, bars and restaurants to close at 11 pm, and a recommendation for people to work from home online.

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