Zaev and Borissov hold phone talk over preparations for the EU-Western Balkans Summit


Macedonian Prime Minister ZoranZaev spoke Sunday over the phone with his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borissov.

Zaev and Borissov voiced mutual confidence that both they and government officials and teams will continue the talks on open bilateral issues aimed at finding a solution that will be in the interest of both countries and in the interest of European integration, government press service said in a press release.

Zaev wished Borissov good health and a speedy recovery from the coronavirus, to which Borissov informed that he feels much better and that his health condition is stable.

Moreover, Zaev and Borissov talked about preparations for the upcoming summit in Sofia within the Berlin Process and agreed to talk over the phone on Monday again to decide whether the EU-Western Balkans Summit on Nov. 10 will be held in-person or online, press release reads.

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