VMRO-DPMNE: The 2021 budget is tailored for the needs and luxuries of SDSM


The Government 2021 Budget is tailored only for party needs. The budget, instead of responding and helping citizens, offers more luxury to government officials. The budget envisages more luxury, more spending public money for “needs” of officials, VMRO-DPMNE reacts.

“Instead of Kostadin Kostadinov lying at press conferences, he should gather strength and answer to the citizens why the capital investments in this Budget have been reduced by 13 million euros compared to the basic budget for 2020. Obviously, according to the figures in the 2021 Budget, it will not be a year of capital investments at all. Kostadin Kostadinov, instead of defending Zaev, he should answer why, although more money for salaries has been announced in the Budget, the salaries of the citizens will not increase at all. This only proves that there will be party employments next year as well. While health workers are dying around the clock to save lives, raises are not planned for them in 2021. Zaev’s government in two years, and during the health crisis, only managed to hire more party servants, which is a burden on the budget for an astonishing 60 million euros. The citizens will yet again spend 50 denars a day in 2021, while Zaev’s officials indulge in the people’s money and spend it on luxuries,” said VMRO-DPMNE.

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