Slaveski to Zaev: If you continue with the marijuana legalization, the damage that will be done to the Macedonian society will be great


Now everyone can look at the budget proposal and I think it is not accidental that the question of tax revenues was raised, which is a benefit of the total budget revenues because the hope that there will be an inflow of funds from other non-tax revenues that were mentioned, I think is overly optimistic. For example, the sale of state-owned property, some companies that were mentioned, the question is now what their value is first, if it is draining money, what is the value of our railways that the “appendix” in Europe. We know how they work and what will be the interest, the post office which we have been devastating for years, the opportunity was missed for a generation, i.e. 12-13 years ago to be sold to the interested investor at the Canadian Post Office and it has very little value, said VMRO-DPMNE EC member Trajko Slaveski.

During his interview, he also spoke about the sale of agricultural land, emphasizing that it should be reconsidered why previous governments had a firm position that agricultural land should not be sold at all. Slaveski sent a message to Zaev that if he continues with the project for legalization of marijuana, the damage that will be done to the Macedonian society will be very great.


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