Spasovski: There are indications that almost two tons of marijuana from a Skopje village have been exported out of the country


Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski told TV24 on Wednesday that police officers recently busted two international marijuana smuggling rings. Regarding stolen marijuana, of which only 300 kg were later recovered, he expressed belief that the drugs were exported and sold.

“Of the recently stolen marijuana, 300 kg were recovered, by but the rest is believed to have been exported. We have to make it clear that everyone must answer for their crimes,” Spasovski stressed.

He says that 550 kilograms of marijuana stored in the depots of the Agency for Confiscated Property have been seized since he became the head of the police again in September.

Regarding the announcement of the Prime Minister ZoranZaev that there will be a debate on the legalization of marijuana, he said that an analysis should be made of what we gain and what we lose as a society.

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