Prespa Agreement is the imposed reality that VMRO-DPMNE must respect for the good of the country and citizens


The Prespa Agreement is a reality imposed by the previous government led by SDSM and Zoran Zaev, and if it is not observed, whether by this next government led by VMRO-DPMNE and Hristijan Mickoski, or by the next government led by whoever, the main consequences will be suffered by the state and the Macedonian citizens through blocking the European integration path and jeopardizing the NATO membership. According to analysts, in international politics, the key principle is pacta sunt servanda, that is, agreements must be respected. Whether the agreements were signed by the predecessor, the political opponent, it is the state that should implement them.
“I will take the oath as the new prime minister with the constitutional name of the country, that is quite clear. In my appearances abroad I will use the constitutional name of the country with the adjective. We cannot behave with double standards, we cannot ask citizens to respect the laws and the constitution, and we do not respect them. However, in my performances at home and in making statements, I will use the name of my country, which is Macedonia, VMRO-DPMNE leader and Prime Minister-designate Hristijan Mickoski told TV Sitel.

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