Spasovski: The regime that destroyed is in the past


Holder of the list in ED 2 Oliver Spasovski in last night’s address in Gazi Baba compared the policies of directing money to citizens and building infrastructure in all areas and regions, which is a feature of SDSM during the three-year period when it had the responsibility to lead the government, and to send the regime of stealing and destroying in the dark past.

“We managed to overthrow the regime and put the country on the right track. Here, from this panel, we are sending the strongest message that the regime cannot be restored, Macedonia can never get back to what it used to be. We’ve proven we can build, we can overcome all divisions in the country. We build friendships, bridges and infrastructure and it’s producing results. If we go out and look to the right, we will see how the resurrection of Kosmos, which was destroyed by the regime. It was a personal whim of Gruevski and Janakieski. While they were demolishing, we are now building,” Spasovski said.

MP candidate Muhamed Zekiri said that there were no ethnic tensions during SDSM’s government, which he said was not the case when the ‘regime’ ruled. He urged Albanian voters to vote according to their own personal conscience.

MP candidate Sanja Lukarevska, who is also the first candidate on the coalition’s list in the second electoral district, said the “We Can” election program was based on three principles – order, justice and discipline.

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