Holstein: No intergovernmental conference with Macedonia would be failure of Germany


The German EU Presidency has a clear goal regarding the enlargement process – the first intergovernmental conference with North Macedonia by the end of the year, said German Ambassador Anke Holstein on Wednesday.

Ambassador Holstein told reporters “it would be a failure” if the country did not start the EU accession negotiations during the German Presidency with the Council.

“All member-states gave the green light for the start of North Macedonia’s accession negotiations back in March. We are working hard on holding the intergovernmental conference and we are optimistic that the objective will be realized,” said Holstein.

According to her, the Berlin Process is facilitating the process and expressed belief of a constructive atmosphere during November’s co-chairing of the Sofia summit.

“This is an important date for the December agenda. According to proceedings, November 10 is the final opportunity to endorse the negotiating framework and we will do everything to achieve this,” added Holstein.

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