We are facing the most difficult situation since the country’s independence, we need an expert government


Before the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, VMRO-DPMNE EC member Antonio Miloshoski on Friday stressed the position of the party that regarding the economic situation, foreign policy situation, the EU blockade and the health crisis.

All three crises have names and surnames, and they are Zoran Zaev, Venko Filipche and Nikola Dimitrov, said Miloshoski.

“And we believe that the project called Zoran, Venko and Nikola Dimitrov should resign. Why? Because in the country we have the most difficult situation since independence until today, for the citizens, and for the health sector, and for the economic sector, but unfortunately also for the Euro perspective. I believe that with their resignation, we as a country will be able to create an opportunity to form a government of experts that can be better carried out in health, economy and Euro integration,” Miloshoski said.

VMRO-DPMNE believes that Zaev, Venko Filipche and Nikola Dimitrov are part of the problem of this state crisis, not part of the solution.

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