Meat industry demands return of “Buy domestic products” vouchers


The fourth and fifth set of anti-crisis measures will not have an effect because they are not properly targeted, said the representatives of the meat industry from the country on Monday.

They believe that the Government should return the “Buy domestic products” vouchers again, in order to direct the funds of the citizens to the domestic companies.

For now, the problem with the surplus of fresh pork, which arose due to reduced consumption (limited operation of catering facilities and reduced purchasing power of citizens), is resolved by agreement between producers and processors who make efforts to buy the fully produced quantities, but help is needed. from the state by redirecting the measures, especially those from the fifth package which has not been adopted yet.

“The first three sets were better and more efficient, they helped the domestic companies much more, unlike the fourth measure which did not work despite the funds for that purpose. In the previous measures, people had cards to buy domestic products, and now they receive the money in accounts and use it for various purposes, which dilutes the effect. The initial effects of the measures may have been smaller, but that should have been continued. We ask the Government to stimulate domestic consumption with the measure “Buy domestic products” by issuing vouchers with a strict purpose, to be spent exclusively on domestic products – fresh meat and meat products, milk and dairy products,” said Goce Trajchev, President of the Production Group of meat and meat products, at Monday’s press conference.

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