EU accession negotiations with Skopje and Tirana at EU General Affairs Council agenda


The EU General Affairs Council (GAC) will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, with enlargement and the accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania on the agenda, MIA reports from Brussels.

Gasper Dovzan, State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who chairs the meeting, has reiterated his country’s support for sooner intergovernmental conferences with both North Macedonia and Albania.

German Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth has echoed a similar message.

“It is high time we finally start EU accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania,” said Roth and added that the bilateral issues between Skopje and Sofia “must be resolved bilaterally.”

Croatian State Secretary Andreja Metelko-Zgombic said EU enlargement with the Western Balkans is high on Croatia’s priorities.

“Croatia is a staunch supporter of a credible enlargement policy and we are willing to give support to all six Western Balkan countries on their EU path. We also see this enlargement policy as a stake to security, stability and development of EU and Europe as a whole,” said Metelko. EU ministers will discuss a number of topics ranging from the health crisis, UK relations and rule of law.

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