Kosovo Deputy Justice Minister cancels visit to Skopje


Kosovo Deputy Justice Minister Blerim Salahu has canceled his visit to Skopje, confirmed by the Ministry of Justice in Skopje.

Salahu announced his visit to N. Macedonia on TV in Pristina, pointing out that he would also meet with the convicted Kosovo citizens in the “Diva Naselba” case. The purpose of the visit, he said, is to be informed about the conditions in which they serve their sentence and whether their rights are respected, and thereby referred to the Law on Citizenship.

“Salahu will have a meeting with me and the directors of the prisons in the country. We continue the cooperation between the ministries. It is not true that there will be a direct meeting with the prisoners from the “Diva Naselba” case. There are special procedures for such meetings through diplomacy, but he did not ask and he will not fulfill it,” Nuhiu told Kanal 5 TV.

Salahu announced late Wednesday that he was canceling his visit and it was not known when it would take place.

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