Half of Skopje left without heating, Government does nothing


Half of Skopje is without central heating in the middle of winter, and the Government is not taking any action. For several days now, half of the settlements in Skopje either do not have central heating or have very low heat. While the people are freezing, the government is not taking any action, but is distancing itself and shifting responsibility to companies and municipalities, reads VMRO-DPMNE’s press release.

The party says that the city of Skopje and the municipalities are neither the Energy Regulatory Commission, nor the heat suppliers, nor the gas importer, and that the government is the one that has the authority and can negotiate with all these stakeholders.

“When all the countries in the world were negotiating for cheap gas supply, Zaev installed the pawn Kovachevski, and there was no one to take care of the gas supply. It caused both price increase and shortage. The government is to blame for not providing energy security to the country in time. 5 years not one meter gas pipeline was laid. The Government should not run away from responsibility and start solving the problem,” reads the opposition party’s press release.

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