Escobar: Open Balkans is an important economic project


The United States encourages the Open Balkans initiative to remain economic. This is not a political project, but an important economic project and it is important to remain so and focus on creating opportunities for the people of the region and thus you will have support, said the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar in a video address in Ohrid at the Open Balkans Summit. On Wednesday.

Escobar first recalled the recent strategic bilateral dialogue between North Macedonia and the United States, where it was agreed that the United States would do everything in its power to stabilize the region and create new opportunities for the people of the Western Balkans.

“The United States does see the Western Balkans from the perspective of the problems that occurred in the 1990s, we see it through the prism of the possibilities of the 21st century. And the opportunities in the Western Balkans are enormous. The Western Balkans is blessed with a great geographical position, with wonderful resources, but also with a great entrepreneurial spirit and for decades the people of the Western Balkans have built my country, built Europe and thankfully we support the Western Balkans, because we want to help your people to build the region,” said Escobar.

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