VMRO-DPMNE: Pendarovski backed away from the publicly given support for the referendum, he chose the anti-Macedonian side


President Stevo Pendarovski backed away from the publicly given support for the referendum, he chose the anti-Macedonian side, reads VMRO-DPMNE’s reaction after yesterday’s interview with the President published by a news outlet.

“If someone does not understand that this bilateral agreement, as well as with Greece, is the axis along which we continue towards Europe, and wants it to be gone, it is honorable that the referendum question reads:

“Do you want to join the EU under these conditions?” . No mention of agreements, period. The opposition should come up with an honest wording and if that is the issue, all parties should go to a referendum, not boycott”, said Stevo Pendarovski’s in Sunday’s interview, when he came out with a new position that was obviously given under duress by the Government.

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