VMRO-DPMNE: Relations with Bulgaria have never been worse, SDS and DUI claimed to have signed an agreement closing all issues


Relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia have never been at a lower level than now, when SDS and DUI are in power, who claimed to have closed all open issues, VMRO-DPMNE pointed out in a press release on Monday.

“Macedonia, the Macedonian nation, language and history have never been denied by Bulgaria as they are now, and this is the result of the subservient relationship of SDS and DUI. Macedonia has never been the target of criticism as it is now, after signing the 2017 Good-Neighborliness Treaty which, according to the authorities, was supposed to improve relations. Macedonia’s negation policies by the Macedonian Prime Minister and the President of the country contributed to the hate speech from the Bulgarian side, the backbiting encouraged the chauvinists in Bulgaria to deny Macedonia. The relationship between SDS and DUI has permanently damaged the positions of Macedonia,” the largest opposition party said.

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