Chulev: There were 40 overflights at the time of the M-NAV incident, a plane was left to circle around, one of the first decisions after taking over the institutions and the MoI will be accountability!


An event happened at the M-NAV on Thursday that has not been seen not only in Europe, but also in the most underdeveloped countries in the world. A group of party officials of the ruling DUI, headed by BekimNeziri, an air traffic control inspector and close associate of the director of M-NAV, chair of the DUI branch in Chair and a person who held high government posts, broke into one of the most protected state facilities, the M-NAV, and physically attacked the air traffic controllers, who at the same moment were performing complex work tasks on which thousands of lives depend, pointed out NakjeChulev from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE at a press conference on Saturday.

“During the violent attack, several people were physically assaulted, and one of the assaulted was hit from behind, after which he fell on the equipment that controls the planes, which were currently over the Macedonian sky. As we have learned, unofficially, at the time of the violent invasion, about 40 planes were flying over the Macedonian sky, and 2 planes, one of which belonged to a serious airline company, were circling over Skopje for more time and waiting for permission to land. During the day, there were two landings of NATO aircraft at the airport in Skopje. To make the tragedy even worse, the security itself, which has the task of protecting the building, participated in the break-in, but obviously this did not protect it, so these people played the role of supporting the thugs,” said Chulev.

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