VMRO-DPMNE MPs to visit 500 villages in a campaign called “MPs with the people” starting May 8


VMRO-DPMNE MPs begin a campaign starting May 8th to May 30th during which its Members of Parliament will visit 500 villages across Macedonia. The goal is to reach out to every single citizen of the Republic of Macedonia, even in the most remote areas, who also deserve to be heard and not forgotten, said EC member and coordinator of a parliamentary group Nikola Micevski at Friday’s press briefing.

He says the government is in a race for commissions and rigging tenders, and the people are barely making ends meet.

  1. 60,000 people lost their jobs in the last year alone.
  2. 6,200 companies were forced to shut down.
  3. Half a million people live on two euros a day.
  4. The state owes over 6.5 billion euros, that is 3,263 euros per citizen.
  5. People waited for vaccines for five months.
  6. Over 5,000 of our fellow citizens lost their lives, and most of them due to the incompetence of the government, but also due to the lack of vaccines.
  7. Over 150,000 people were infected with COVID-19, went through severe consequences, some of them were treated in private clinics, and paid over 10,000 euros, often borrowed and took out loans.
  8. Identity and language are under attack, and the government is silent.
  9. Tobacco farmers gave up their tobacco for the price of a pack of cigarettes, just because they are on the brink of extinction.
  10. 214 world criminals, drug bosses of infamous clans and terrorists were issued Macedonian passports by the Ministry of Interior. The reputation of the country has been damaged, the legal system is buried, said Micevski.



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