MP: Suspicious government deal, instead of just letting Serbian tourists through pay tolls, they will spend 3 million euros on e-cards


In conditions when the economy is sinking, the companies are struggling with the payment of salaries for the employees, and the citizens are barely making ends meet, Zoran Zaev and the gang around him are squandering public money and squandering it on totally unnecessary and ludicrous “projects”, said VMRO-DPMNE MP Kiril Pecakov at a press conference.

Exactly this irrational and wasteful spending of the Government of Zoran Zaev will cost the citizens almost 3 million euros or 172 million denars, public money from the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia. Hence, faced with the daily millions of scandals and crimes, but also knowing the level of crime of the Government led by Zoran Zaev and SDSM, we openly doubt the amount of 3 million euros for the purchase of cards that will allow Serbian tourists this summer to transit through Macedonia without paying tolls,” says the MP.

Pecakov added that precisely because of the huge amount of millions and the suspicion that exists in the general public, Zoran Zaev and the Government must provide answers to several logical questions that the Macedonian public must hear out.

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