“Vecernji list”: Sofia will unblock Skopje on June 21 under the pressure from Brussels?


Is the end of the absurd Bulgarian blockade for the start of accession negotiations between Macedonia and the European Union approaching, reports Croatian newspaper “Vecernji List”, which in the article opens the possibility for Sofia to unblock Skopje under pressure from Brussels on June 21.

Although so far there is no unequivocal confirmation that Sofia is ready to give the green light to Skopje, there are more and more signals that point to such a conclusion, and German Minister for European Affairs Michael Roth even optimistically announced that there is a great chance to reach a solution in June that will enable the start of accession negotiations, which means that the unblocking of Macedonia can take place before the upcoming EU summit, scheduled for June 21 and 22, the daily media outlet wrote.

The article also mentions the visit of Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santo Silva and EU Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi in Sofia and Skopje, where they presented the Portuguese proposal for a Bulgarian-Macedonian solution.

The Bulgarian blockade was also criticized by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, who “clashed” with Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. He claimed that after Milanovic’s statements, two incidents against Bulgarian citizens were recorded in Croatia.

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