92 fully vaccinated Macedonian nationals contracted COVID-19, one deceased


The percentage of fully vaccinated people who have become infected with COVID-19 is very small and stands at approximately 0.02%. Out of 330,000 citizens who have been vaccinated with both doses, 92 patients contracted COVID-19. This just proves who useful vaccination is, Health Minister VenkoFilipche said on Tuesday.

He urged citizens to realize that vaccination is the only way to change the course of the pandemic.

The Minister underlined that the vaccination process in North Macedonia is going well, adding that the number of citizens vaccinated with one dose is expected to surpass 500,000 on Tuesday. Of these, 330,000 people have been fully vaccinated.

“By the end of August all of these 500,000 citizens should have received both vaccine doses,” Filipche told reporters after an event at the Orthopedics Clinic.

“We are considering if we should introduce some restrictions for unvaccinated citizens,” he added.

In response to a reporter’s question about the possible restrictions, Filipche said the government was taking into consideration other countries’ examples.

“Everywhere in the world,” he said, “there is a debate on what should be done with people who are not vaccinated.

However, in a Facebook post byMagdalenaStojmanovic, it was revealed on Monday that a person infected with COVID-19 died in the Tetovo hospital, although he had previously been vaccinated with two doses against this disease.

Contrary to this, the official reports from the Ministry of Health so far emphasize that none of the deceased from coronavirus have been fully vaccinated.


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