Contrary to Prime Minister Zaev, Governor Bezhoska announces inflation growth


Soon there will be an upward revision of the projected inflation rate for the country by the National Bank for the second time this year, in a statement given to Factor confirmed the National Bank Governor Anita Angelovska-Bezhoska, after the Chamber of Commerce warned of skyrocketing prices by the end of year and asked for help from policy makers.

“At the beginning of November, when we are expected to finalize the macroeconomic projections, we will come up with a new inflation estimate for this year, but it is certain that this figure will be moderately higher than 2.2 percent,” the governor announced.

The initial planned inflation rate for this year was 1.5 percent, and now it will probably reach twice the initial projection. However, the governor said in a statement that the situation was not alarming and that this year she was expected to increase prices on both food and energy globally, as they fell last year, so now the comparison base is practically much lower.

European media widely cover the energy crisis in Europe and the dizzying rise in electricity and gas prices. The price of electricity on the stock exchanges has increased by over 200 percent, as well as several times increase in the price of natural gas.


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