Ministry of Interior expects new passports in ten days


The German passports are expected to arrive within ten days, according to the Ministry of Interior’s communication with the company Veridos that manufactures them, said Interior Minister Nake Culev.

– According to the agreement the passports should arrive on March 24. We are in constant communication and we are pressing the German company Veridos which provides the passports and we have a certain promise that the passports should reach 7 to 10 days, according to the agreement, which means before March 24 – said Culev.

The Ministry expects 100 thousand passports to be delivered.

– All needs will be met. As MoI we now have a plan for increasing the number of enforcement agents in issuing and making passports. According to the capacities of the Ministry, which means the production of travel documents, the daily possibilities are up to three thousand passports so that given that there is a demand of 27 to 28 thousand passports all needs will be met for up to 10 days – Minister Culev said.

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