VMRO-DPMNE with an amendment will demand harmonization of salaries in the public sector – a gradual increase in relation to the minimum


VMRO-DPMNE with an amendment will seek harmonization of salaries in the public sector, i.e. their gradual increase relative to the minimum.

“The government is dedicated only to mere populism, without thinking about the citizens as a whole. The government does not respect the collective agreements concluded between the workers and the institutions.

VMRO-DPMNE demands that the amount of coefficients and the value of the point of the collective agreements at all levels and in all areas be harmonized with the increase of the minimum wage, with gradual increase of wages, where the basic value of the lowest coefficient and point is equal to the amount of the minimum salary.

According to the proposed amendment proposed by VMRO-DPMNE, a teacher who has a coefficient of 2,503, and so far receives a net salary of 24,782 denars, should receive a net salary of 45,054 denars.

We propose the same for high schools, i.e. teachers instead of the current 25,838 denars net salary should receive 45,594 denars,” said the opposition party.

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