Bulgarian MEP Dzhambazki leaves European Parliament with a Nazi salute


Bulgarian MEP Angel Dzhambazki caused a scandal in the European Parliament after he gave a Nazi “Hail Hitler” salute during a debate on a European Court of Justice ruling criticizing the rule of law in Hungary and Poland.

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola will initiate sanctions procedure against Bulgarian MEP after he gave a Nazi salute in the European Parliament on Wednesday.

Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean that you are a Nazi. I apologize if my innocent waving offended anyone,” Dzhambazkisaid after the scandal.

“A fascist salute in the European Parliament is unacceptable to me – always and everywhere. It offends me and everyone else in Europe. We stand for the opposite. We are the House of democracy. That gesture is from the darkest chapter of our history and must be left there,” European Parliament President Roberta Metsolatweeted.

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