People are barely making ends meet, while 30,000 new party soldiers are hired in the public sector, says Mickoski


The thesis that they have created new jobs or that the economy has gone is wrong, incorrect or false, said VMRO-DPMNE leader HristijanMickoski in last night’s interview in the “Shto ne e jasno” political show on Alfa TV.

The opposition party leader accuses that while the people are barely making ends meet, the SDSM-led government has created only 24,000 new jobs in the private sector, while in the public sector it has increased the number by another 30,000, for so-called party soldiers.

“If we compare the two governments, that of VMRO-DPMNE and that of SDSM, that of VMRO-DPMNE in those 10 years from 2006 to 2016, and this now of SDSM these 4 years, because the heel is not complete, we come to the following conclusion, in the VMRO-DPMNE government in those 10 years, 180,000 new jobs were created in the private sector, or an average of 18,000 jobs per year, and the number in the public sector decreased, although they accuse that government of overloading the public sector by 26,000. If we compare these 4 years of SDSM government with him, we will come to a situation that they in the private sector in these 4 years have managed to create 24,000 new jobs, or 6,000 jobs per year, which is three times less compared to the VMRO government -DPMNE. But in the public sector, they practically reduced the number of VMRO-DPMNE by 26,000, they increased it by 30,000 new employees in the public sector, and you can assume that it is exclusively about party soldiers,” said Mickoski.

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