Former Finance Minister urges immediate budget rebalance amid coronavirus crisis


Former Minister of Finance and University professor Trajko Slaveski said the country needs an urgent budget rebalance to cut all non-essential spending.

With the rebalance, the funds should be allocated primarily for health protection of the citizens and support for those who will be left without work and income, claims Slaveski.

“An urgent rebalance is needed to cut all expenditures that are not essential. All the necessary funds needed for health care to protect the lives of citizens should be provided. So, all that is needed is healthcare protection, capacity building, beds, intensive care rooms, and equipment. And support for those citizens who are out of work for at least the next few months and the companies,” says Slaveski.

He adds that the state budget does not have enough money for those needs of the economy and the citizens that will need to be met in the next few months.

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