SSM asks MPs to vote the amendment for a linear salary increase


Representatives from the organs and bodies of the branch unions that are members of the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) asked the MPs members of the Financing and Budget Commission to support the amendment of the SSM to the Budget Review for a linear salary increase.

“I send a clear message to the MPs who are members of that Commission and for whom we put 14 chairs with eight yellow cards, because last time they did not vote that amendment proposal for a 2,806 linear increase in workers’ wages, to wake up and vote it , because publicly, from here I am telling them, all these workers, who are behind me, are waiting for their “yes” vote, if this is not the case, we will publicly demand, by name and surname, the resignation of those deputies, because, if they hand for “no” they will say that they are not for the worker and they are not for the people in these difficult moments”, said the SSM president Darko Dimovski.

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