Dimitrov: It’s a big lie that historical issues are not tied to the negotiating framework!


The exact opposite of what the Macedonian authorities claim about the French proposal is true, says former Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Dimitrov in a long post on Facebook, adding that “that’s a big lie.” According to Dimitrov, historical and other issues and how they will be related to the negotiations and the negotiation framework.
Here’s how the former minister explains it in his post:
“The claim that the bilateral protocol (historical and other issues) is not related to the framework (the accession process) and that these are two separate processes and that the implementation of the protocols will not affect the dynamics of the accession process is simply NOT TRUE! Or even more directly IT IS A BIG LIE! Bilateral issues would now become legitimate from the Bulgarian European side and with our consent. And from that, there will be no escape or repair.”

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