Business owners request from the MoI fast and efficient procedures for obtaining documents needed for the business of foreign persons


Acceleration of the procedures for regulating or extending the stay of foreigners, digitization of the procedures for issuing or renewing residence permits, one-stop-shop system so that foreigners can obtain several different documents from one place, improvement of the functionality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the terms section, working hours and the number of experts who act on the submitted requests for work and residence of foreigners, were the issues for which, on the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia, a working meeting was held with the Minister of Internal Affairs Oliver Spasovski.

The SKSM head BrankoAzeski and the Minister of Internal Affairs Oliver Spasovski agreed that solving these problems should be of particular priority, with the aim of creating a better business environment for work in the country, improving the perception of foreign and domestic businessmen. for what is most important to them – and that is fast and efficient administrative procedures for obtaining the necessary permits, certificates and other documents needed for their stay and work in the country.

“In the surveys of the Chamber, and especially of the Council of Foreign Investors at the Chamber, the need for a reaction of the competent institutions (Ministry of the Interior, Employment Agency, MFA) is continuously pointed out in order to find appropriate solutions for the legal and factual obstacles that complicate the procedure for regulating the stay of foreigners for the purpose of performing work duties in the country”, said Dr. Elena MilevskaShtrbevska, the Chamber’s Vice President.

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