Roma people stage protest and ask: “Shuto Orizari – Forgotten Municipality – UNTIL WHEN?”


The citizens of Shuto Orizari, supported by the Roma community from all Skopje municipalities, on September 12th, the day of the municipality of Shuto Orizari, at 19:00 in front of the city of Skopje will jointly raise the question “Shuto Orizari – a forgotten municipality – UNTIL WHEN?”, reads the press release.

  1. Until when only the citizens of Shuto Orizari will be the users of unworthy buses, irregular and incomplete lines of public transportation? 2. How long will the citizens of Shuto Orizari wait for the construction of parks and green areas? 3. How long will the citizens wait for the construction of boulevards in the municipality of Shuto Orizari? 4. When will Roma be employed in the administration of the city of Skopje?

The protest will start at 6pm with a gathering place in the park near the big mosque in Shuto Orizari with the final destination in front of the City of Skopje at 7pm-7.30 pm.

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