Association of employees in the games of chance sector: If the state closes the games of chance, we will be forced to go out on the street!


The Association of employees in the games of chance sector said in a press release on Thursday that if the state decides to close the games of chance, they will be forced to go out into the streets and protest.

“Regarding today’s appeal of the Ministry of Finance addressed to the Parliament, in order to quickly adopt the proposed amendments to the Law on Games of Chance and Entertainment Games, we make the following statement:

“In the name of 10,000 employees in this economic activity, we once again warn that the proposal to relocate 500 meters from the educational institutions is a proposal for the complete closure of gambling facilities, loss of our jobs with dramatic consequences for the entire Macedonian economy. It is a misconception that there is a solution, either to relocate 500 meters, or to continue operating gambling facilities. Because of the existing urban layout and planning, this requirement is impossible to fulfill,” says the Association.

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