Electric bicycles and scooters, smart lighting, free internet – the implementation of “Smart Aerodrom” kicks off


The Mayor of the Aerodrom Municipality Timcho Mucunski announced at a press conference the details of the “Smart Aerodrom” project, a visionary undertaking that will use the power of technology to create a more connected, sustainable and modern municipality. Through a public call for the selection of a partner, a public-private partnership will be established with which this project will be realized.

The partner company will have the obligation to implement smart (saving) lighting in the entire Aerodrom municipality, and in addition, to set up informative and commercial digital displays or so-called information totems; to offer efficient services for renting electric bicycles and electric scooters for citizens, to install chargers for electric cars at locations in the Airport and to establish the so-called hotspot points with free wireless internet.

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