Kovachevski avoided answering whether he discussed the Soravia and Merko cases with Ahmeti


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski did not answer on Sunday whether he talked with the leader of DUI Ali Ahmeti about the latest events with the placing of the mayor of Struga from the ranks of his party Ramiz Merko on the US blacklist and the accusations about the purchase of the “Soravia” building in the center of Skopje by his nephew.
The Prime Minister directed that all questions about the Merko case be sought with the Prosecutor’s Office and the courts.
“I had a statement regarding the mayor of Struga and I urged all competent institutions within their legal powers to act in order to do everything that is prescribed by law. The government is neither the Prosecutor’s Office nor a court. Second, you ask me about the nephews of another politician, about the nephews of that politician, you will ask that specific politician. You can ask me about my nephews,” Kovachevski said, relying to media questions in front of the tribune in Kumanovo.
Regarding the Merko case, he reiterated that the allegations due to which the Struga mayor was put on the US blacklist are serious.
Regarding the request of the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption for the Law on the Origin of Property, Kovachevski said that this law was being worked on together with representatives from the EU and that the Office for the fight against corruption is also involved at the level of expertise.

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