Stefanov: The price of the heating to be known next month


The head of ESM Vasko Stefanov says that overhaul activities are underway and they expect to finish at the end of September or the beginning of October, with which all production facilities of ESM will be put into operation and adds that they are fully prepared for the new heating season.
Stefanov said that the price of heating should be known at the beginning of next month or mid-September.
“We expect ERC to complete its work in accordance with the deadlines, that is, to project the prices. Our relations with BEG are correct. At this moment, I think that these debtor-creditor relations are taking place and I hope that in the end everything will end as it should. I expect sometime in the beginning or middle of September that we will already have the price of heating,” the director pointed out, asked by the media after signing the Loan Agreement with the EBRD.

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