DUI knew that it was receiving excessive donations, but did not return the money immediately, says the SCPC


The State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption is closing the case it opened at its own initiative – over violation of the law on political party funding, and will forward it to the State Audit Office and the Ministry of Justice as competent bodies for the supervision and monitoring of the funding of political parties.  Based on reports received from the State Audit Office, the Commission has found a violation of Article 16 of the law on political party funding, as a natural person has donated more than the legally allowed amount.

Under the law, the amounts of donations are regulated and parties may not receive more than 60 average net wages from legal entities and more than 30 average wages in the country from natural persons.DUI has provided the required documents and confirmed that in the meantime the party itself saw that the amount was exceeded and made a decision to return the funds together with the related documents. The party also found that it has received a larger amount from two legal entities and decided to have them returned in July 2023. However, violation of Article 16 of the law on political party funding has been made because the money was not returned immediately or no later than 15 days after being donated. Therefore, the Anti-Corruption Commission will notify the State Audit Office and the Ministry of Justice about the case.

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