Lloga: Conditions in the Idrizovo Prison are miserable, an immediate pardon is necessary


Macedonian Minister of Justice Krenar Lloga along with the head of the Inquiry Commission for Protection of Human Freedoms and Rights, Halil Snopche, the member of the commission Dragica Gjavochanova, the director of UIS Jovica Stojanovikj, the director of the Idrizovo State Penitentiary Zoran Jovanovski and the deputy director Femi Ionuzi, carried out insight and got to know the situation, the conditions in the prison up close, talked directly with the prisoners and were informed about the problems they face.

“Miserable, catastrophic and substandard conditions for serving prison sentences, overcrowding, prisoners sleeping on the floor, no adequate health care, no adequate sanitation, broken beds, moldy walls.

These conditions prove why we urgently need an amnesty law, which will at least minimally relieve the capacities,” Lloga said.

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