Government should not stay silent and give an answer to the public – does the Bulgarian mafia enter at the front door in Macedonia with Artan Grubi’s signature?


Artan Grubi, supported by  Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, allows the opening of three online casinos, which will be in partnership with the state, with a license, which will be valid for 15 years, VMRO-DPMNE said on Thursday.

The advertisement, which was published this September, is tailored so that there is no theory about it, that a domestic company participates, that is, it is strictly intended for foreign companies.

Did Artan Grubi and the Government tailor this advertisement for the Bulgarian company

“Is the owner of this company the notorious in the Bulgarian underground Vasil Boshkov, the so-called Skull, well known to the law in Bulgaria, who now lives in Dubai? While the people are sinking into poverty, and the Government is bragging about some kind of guaranteed prices of a few denars less, DUI and SDS came up with another candy business, in order to get a few tens of millions of euros each,” said the largest opposition party.

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