Sofijanova: The bacterium Escherichia coli caused the sepsis in the newborn from Prilep


The bacterium Escherichia coli caused sepsis from which the newborn from Prilep died, confirmed to several media, Doctor Aspazija Sofijanova, head of neonatal intensive care at the Clinic for Children’s Diseases in Skopje, where the baby died.

The baby was brought from Prilep to the Children’s Clinic in Skopje in a serious condition with kidney and lung failure. At the Clinic for Children’s Diseases, all analyzes were done and the baby was treated with therapy. The baby died a week after being brought to the Clinic.

“This kind of early infection, sepsis in a newborn, usually occurs either because of interhospital bacteria or because of an infection that the mother may have had. That has yet to be investigated,” explained Dr. Sofijanova in a statement for

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