Audio recordings show former PM used influencing prosecutors and NGO activists


Audio recordings of a conversation between former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and an anonymous interlocutor were leaked on social media, i.e. on YouTube, in which you can hear SDSM leader’s voice and the voice of another male, submitted by a whistleblower.

The conversation of the SDSM leader is conducted in a catering facility and the recordings show Zaev Zaev saying, “To hell with the kind of people, even if in those elections” (referring to the early parliamentary elections in December 2016, it citizens do not vote for him. This audio recording shows the interlocutor convincing him that if he goes to the polls, he will not win, because “the people do not want them”, neither him nor SDSM, to which Zaev tells him to pay attention to the election results, saying “you will see what happens”.

The second audio recording is in fact Zaev’s confession that the illegally tapped audio materials were neither safe nor owned by the party. The interlocutor asks Zaev why he did not trust him and gave the talks to a party activist. He replied that this was necessary in order for those who were in Albanian to be translated and to be able to hit Ali Ahmeti, the leader of DUI, later a coalition partner of SDSM.

“Civil society organizations, funded by Soros, the Student Parliament, are all mine,” says Zoran Zaev in the third audio recording, practically acknowledging that the protests of the so-called “Colorful Revolution” were fictitious.

In the fourth audio recording, the SDSM leader explains that the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office “will take drastic steps” and will do a lot of damage, making it clear that this institution is under his full control. Zaev threatens to ruin businessman Orce Kamcev in this recording.

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