The Government must not stay silent about Bulgaria’s conditions!


The spine Zoran Zaev is known for is unfortunately becoming a desirable element for our neighbors as well. We must be aware of this situation that Macedonia is unfortunately facing. The European agenda of the Republic of Macedonia, according to the announcements we receive from our eastern neighbor, is on hold. Progress towards the EU depends on additional conditions for which we must be aware that, among other things, they are a consequence of the shortcomings and silence of Macedonian diplomacy. With Zoran Zaev, the obstacles are not overcome, but are constantly increasing with new demands and conditions,  VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski said at a press conference, and added:

“The latest statement by the leader of the Europe wide Party of European Socialists (PES) Sergey Stanishev that I quote: It’s in Bulgarian national interest that Zaev wins the elections in Macedonia, and he adds Bulgaria is greatly interested that Zoran Zaev and his SDSM party remain in power after the elections expected this year” . But the problem is not that the best for Stanishev and Bulgaria, but what is best for Macedonia and unfortunately, what is best for Bulgaria at the moment is the worst for Macedonia and its national interests. The real scandal is that Dimitrov as head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Spasovski as prime minister of the caretaker government have so far not had any official reaction, nor a letter or denial of the negative views of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian state,” said Nikoloski.

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