Besa demands that DUI immediately dismiss Neziri, and not protect his EUR 3000 salary


The more DUI wants to present itself as a “pro-European” party, the more it is shown to be in favor of crime and corruption. To protect crime and corruption, they are able to destroy institutions that protect international air security, as in the case of the attack on the Civil Aviation Control Tower, the Besapolitical party said in a press release on Saturday.

“Instead of DUI immediately dismissing BekimNeziri from the party and from any position, it is only distancing itself from his action, trying to protect him. Instead of DUI acting to fire all the directors at M-NAV, it is silent and trying to save them, even though three days ago about 30 planes and hundreds of passengers were put in danger. DUI does not care about citizens, nor about security in institutions that are internationally connected like M-NAV, but only cares about the positions where its party soldiers get high salaries and tenders. DUI now protects BekimNeziri, who receives a 3 thousand euro salary from M-NAV, even though the media reported that he has not gone to work for seven years. DUI protects M-NAV’s other director, HasimDeari, because he too receives a salary of over 3,000 euros. DUI also protects Fahrudin Hamid, because he receives a 4 thousand euro salary from M-NAV. After the violence of the party soldiers of the DUI led by BekimNeziri at the M-NAV destroyed the image of the country before the international community and could put our country in complete international isolation, we once again call on the DUI to immediately exclude BekimNeziri from any party position and to demand his removal from the position of advisor to the director in M-NAV. Also, we urgently request the dismissal of two other directors, FahrudinHamidi and HasimDeari,” said the Besa party.

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