Macedonia with the least coronavirus tests in the region


According to the latest statistics, our country is last in terms of the number of tests carried out with only 9,386 tests carried out, unlike the first on the list Slovenia with 30,884 tests carried out per million inhabitants.

The most tested per million inhabitants are in Slovenia, 30,884 per million inhabitants, followed by Serbia with 21,739 and Montenegro with 15,560.

In fourth place is BiH with 12,260 per million inhabitants, Croatia with 11,666 and Macedonia with 9,386 tested per million inhabitants.

Macedonia is second only to the number of infected people per million inhabitants, just behind Serbia. The country is also the second most deadly population in the region.

In terms of the number of infected, the highest mortality rate is in Slovenia, 6.98 percent, followed by Macedonia with 5.5 percent, BiH 5.2 percent and Croatia 4.12 percent.

The death rate in Albania is 3.54%, in Montenegro 2.78% and in Serbia 2.15%.

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