SAO: Approximately EUR 9 million have been invested for the construction of one kilometer of the Kichevo-Ohrid highway by the end of 2022


In Thursday’s press release issued by the State Audit Office (SAO) it is stated that, due to unforeseen and additional issues, changes and additions were made to basic projects – variations, the number of which ranges from one to 42 changes respectively by project, as well as extensions of the period for building sections from eight months to six years.

The most variations, the biggest extension of the deadline and an increase in the value of the contract of 45% (187 million euros) are in the construction of the Kichevo-Ohrid road section.

According to the amount of invested funds and the length of the road section being built, the largest project is the construction of the Kichevo – Ohrid road section, the length of which is 56.7 km, and the amount of which as of December 2022 is 31,597,364 thousand denars (approximately 512 million euros), that is, for the construction of 1 km of this road section, 557,273 thousand denars (approximately 9 million euros) have been invested until the end of 2022. Until November 2023, the invested funds reach an amount of approximately 575 million euros,” reads the press release issued by the SAO on Thursday.

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