Opposition leader asks Slovenia’s PM for help in the coronavirus crisis


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said he had a telephone conversation with Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa about dealing with the coronavirus crisis, as Slovenia was the first country to declare victory over the pandemic.

Mickoski pointed out that he asked for help from Jansa, who was ready to send a team of top doctors, if there was a will from the Macedonian health authorities. Then Mickoski held phone talks with the Minister Venko Filipce for the offered help from Slovenia.

“Macedonia in these difficult times has friends and a helping hand. I had a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and the President of the sister party SDS Mr. Janez Jansa with whom I talked about the current health and political situation. I expressed my concern about the seriousness of the coronavirus outbreak and the growing trend of newly infected and deceased that puts the Republic of Macedonia convincingly in first place in terms of the number of infections and deaths per capita in a situation where that number in the region is falling sharply,” said Mickoski.

“At the same time, I stressed the sacrifices of doctors and medical staff who are directly at the frontline in the fight against the coronavirus and the superhuman efforts they are making, despite the serious shortcomings in creating measures and the way they are implemented. We talked about Slovenian experiences in dealing with the coronavirus crisis, and the fact that Slovenia was the first European country to declare victory over the virus. That is why I asked Prime Minister Jansa to send a team of doctors and experts from Slovenia who will come to Macedonia and help transfer their experiences and knowledge in overcoming the coronavirus crisis. rime Minister Jansa immediately agreed to send aid if the Macedonian health authorities are willing to do accept it, a team of top doctors who will help us deal with the situation.

“In that direction, I talked to the Minister of Health Venko Filipce, and I told him about the idea and readiness of Prime Minister Jansa to help. He accepted the idea and expressed confidence that he would communicate with the Slovenian Ministry of Health for the realization of the humanitarian idea. I thank the Republic of Slovenia and Prime Minister Janez Jansa for supporting our country again. I will continue within my strength and opportunities to fight for the protection of the health of our citizens and dealing with the complicated health condition.”

“I urge the government to use its contacts and positions and to bring international assistance that is welcome at this time. The numbers are devastating and suggest that we need urgent help. The sooner we recognize that, the more we will save lives,“ said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE.

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