Anti-Corruption to seek responsibility from Health Minister for driving an official car to a party event


A written statement from the Intelligence Agency to Anti-Corruption members said
the vehicle was donated by China and that such donations had been made in the
use of several government agencies, including the Ministry of Health.

Within 15 days, the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) will
launch an initiative for seeking responsibility from Minister of Health Venko Filipce for
using an official vehicle of the Intelligence Agency for party purposes. This complaint
to the Anti-Corruption was submitted by the opposition VMRO-DPMNE and the
"Renewal for Macedonia" coalition.
The complaint, as explained by Nuri Bajrami from SCPC, expresses suspicion that
on June 27 of this year a passenger vehicle owned by the Intelligence Agency was
involved in pre-election activities of SDSM in Stip and the SCPC is required to
sanction the responsible person.
"In addition to the complaint, a photograph of a vehicle was submitted in a column of
other vehicles, explaining that it was involved in the pre-election activities of the 'We
Can' coalition on a non-working day. The SCPC requested an explanation from the
director of the Intelligence Agency Erold Musliu, and in a written notice it was stated
that the vehicle was a donation from China and in accordance with the
recommendations such donations were granted in the use of several state bodies,
including the Ministry of Health," Bajrami said.

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