Central Bank claims all moves taken with Eurostandard were to protect depositors


The National Bank will use the available legal remedies to protect its integrity after the actions of the owners of Eurostandard Bank after the decision was made to revoke the license for establishment and operation, the Central Bank of Macedonia informed on Saturday.

The financial regulator in the country informs the public that all measures that this institution has taken against Eurostandard Bank AD Skopje are for protection of the depositors of the mentioned bank which after the revocation of the work license goes bankrupt.

“Owners have a legal obligation to provide capital to cover the bank’s losses. With the invested capital by the owners in 2019, the Bank has reached the minimum legal requirements, which from today’s perspective means provided additional 11 million euros of capital in the balance sheet of the Bank”, reads the statement of the National Bank.

The National Bank adds that the owners did not provide the necessary capital for the first half of this year, nor did they come up with a solid and realistic solution for transferring the ownership of an investor who would recapitalize the Bank in volume and dynamics that would enable its sustainability, given the situation in which the bank was in.

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