Angelovska denies claims: I didn’t know about the collapse of Eurostandard, I withdrew my deposit to buy an apartment


Finance Minister Nina Angelovska issued a press release to try and clarify the scandalous move in which he withdrew a large deposit from the Eurostandard Bank before it collapsed, which was apparently driven by the insider information she was receiving due to her position.

Angelovska’s reaction comes after the opposition and the media reported that during the bank’s hard times the minister, possessing internal information, withdrew her deposits from the failed bank and bought an apartment, which she did not report to the Anti-Corruption Commission, according to publicly available documents. In addition, the fact that Angelovska, as a member of the Financial Stability Committee, had to be informed about the detailed situation in the Macedonian banking system is undeniable.

“I would like to once again announce the facts to the public and at the same time to deny all the inaccurate information that is tendentiously placed. The amount stated in the writings is not correct either – since last year, over half of those deposits have been invested in an investment fund. The only thing that is true in the information placed so far is that I had a deposit in Eurostandard Bank,” the minister said.

“These were my personal funds, I earned before I became a minister and were meant to be used in investment. After I suspended my business and took over the office, I decided to use a share of the money to buy an apartment, given that I was renting before,” Angelovska said.

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