15 secondary and 21 primary schools request permission forin-person classes


So far, 36 schools, of which 15 are secondary and 21 are primary, have applied for permission to organize in-person classes. The application deadline, which is being reviewed by a government committee, expires today, after which it will give a final assessment of whether they can organize physical attendance classes in accordance with the health protocols for functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Probably at the next government session those who have arrived so far will pass and immediately those who will arrive by mail will also be passed so that the schools can get final answers. Certainly the schools are preparing, both those who have applied for in-person classes and those for online instruction, because the epidemiological picture can change and is a dynamic process, so it is important for all of them to be ready for online classes,” said Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska, answering a journalist question at today’s press conference.

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