Opposition accuses Prime Minister Zaev of publicly threatening MPs


Coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group Nikola Micevsk iaddressed today’s session of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia.

Micevski stressed that SDSM and ZoranZaev are used to functioning by threatening dissidents everywhere in the country, so today and in the Parliament ZoranZaev publicly threatened opposition MPs.

“The scandal is even bigger because the speaker of parliament is also on the side of Prime Minister ZoranZaev and allows him to publicly threaten opposition lawmakers, which is similar to the way it works in North Korea,” Micevski said.

He added that ZoranZaev, as Prime Minister, should deal with the promised projects, projects that the people are waiting to be delivered and implemented, and not to open suspicion or say that there are indications of crime for a certain MP. In the Republic of Macedonia there are institutions that are responsible for examining such clues if they really exist, but unfortunately, it is obvious that ZoranZaev is the man who is both a judge and jury in the country.

“It is well known to the public that the Prime Minister’s lawyer meets with judges outside the courts and makes decisions that are made in private, but it must not be a wind in the back of the parliament speaker and he must not protect the integrity of the all MPs in the Parliament “, said the coordinator of VMRO-DPMNE.

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